Follow the below steps to upload your website:

Access cPanel:

Log in to your Hostgraber Dashboard and navigate to login to cPanel. 


Locate File Manager:

In the cPanel dashboard, look for the "File Manager" icon. It is usually located in the "Files" section. Click on it to open the File Manager tool.


Navigate to the Directory:

Once in the File Manager, navigate to the root directory public_html.

root folder public_html

Upload the File:

Once you're in the root directory, look for the "Upload" option in the File Manager toolbar. Click on it to open the file upload interface.


Choose File:

In the file upload interface, you can choose the file from your local computer that you want to upload. Click on the "Select File" to select the file from your computer.

Select file


After selecting the file, click on the "Upload". This will initiate the file upload process, and you'll see a progress bar indicating the upload status.

Verify Upload:

Once the upload is complete, you will see the file listed in the directory. You may need to refresh the File Manager page to see the newly uploaded file.

Set Permissions (optional):

Depending on the file's intended use, you may need to set appropriate permissions. Right-click on the uploaded file, select "Change Permissions" and adjust the permissions as needed.


Importing Database:

In the Databases section, click on phpMyAdmin.


From the navigation tree in the left sidebar, select an appropriate database in which you want to import data using the SQL file.

navigation tree

Click on Import.


Under File to Import, click on Browse and select SQL file from your computer.

file import

Scroll down and click on Go.

If it shows a success message, your SQL has been successfully uploaded.

database upload


Access cPanel-->Locate File Manager-->Navigate to the Directory-->Upload the File-->Choose File-->Upload-->Verify Upload-->Set Permissions (optional)-->Import your Database.

That's it! You've successfully uploaded a file to your cPanel.


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